Most business owners understand the importance of having a website, but they simply create a site, launch it, and never visit it again, totally unaware of the maintenance of the site. If your site is not properly maintained, you may lose important customers, which will affect your bottom line.
Websites need regular maintenance to ensure that all components (links, application or contact forms, images, payment mechanisms, shopping carts …) operate safely and efficiently. Creating an attractive, user-friendly, platform-adaptable website is a great first step in informing the world that your business exists, but regular maintenance is essential if you want your business visibility to increase and it will blossom.
Here are our main reasons why website maintenance is important to your business.
Website maintenance is important for SECURITY!
We wrote it in capital letters for a reason! Security is the number one reason why website maintenance is important – and the main problem that makes headlines. It does not matter whether your company’s website uses WordPress or another platform, whether it uses many plug-ins or not, or whether you have an online store – hackers around the world are constantly looking for vulnerability and prevent security breaches before they happen is essential.
Security is the number one reason why website maintenance is important – and the main problem that makes headlines.
When your company uses WordPress or a similar Content Management System (CMS), it is important to make sure that you always use the latest version. This ensures that the latest WordPress bug fixes and security patches are installed on your site. Some hackers want a big hit and steal tens of thousands of credit card numbers or passwords, but most do not. A good deal of malware or a Trojan horse is downloaded to your website. This poses problems not only for you but also potentially for every person visiting your company’s website. How do pirates come in? They exploit the weaknesses of outdated software and security patches on the website. Just as a thief will look for an unlocked door or an ineffective security system, hackers actively look for old websites as they are easier targets.
We cannot say it enough times. Make sure your website is maintained with an eye on security has never been so important.
The maintenance of the website is important
You’ll drive traffic to your website and improve your search rank when you add new content. Part of the routine maintenance of the website is to make sure the content is correct and up-to-date. The more you update your website; the more search engines will increase your ranking. In addition, some search engines, such as Google, begin to selectively display search results based on the type of device a person is searching on.
What does it mean? If you have delayed the maintenance of your company’s website for several years, it is likely that your website is not optimised for smartphones and tablets. Yes, your website will appear if someone enters your URL, but the site will not be compatible with the device (think of lowercase text, pages requiring horizontal and vertical scrolling, navigation difficult to handle on a small device). If your company’s website is not mobile-ready, your website may not show up in search results when Google detects that someone is searching from a device mobile. Ouch! Being left out can hurt a lot!
Website maintenance is important
The longer you wait, the more likely you are to encounter a problem when you update your site. The more you update, the less likely the problems will be. Ignoring updates (like versions 3.0 to 5.0) is a no-no because eventually you will be forced to adopt the new updates one day. And that day, your risk is much higher because other modules will be out of date.
Website maintenance is important
Let your customers be happy and more excited about your products and services by regularly updating your website to provide relevant, interesting, shareable content and a good reason to act. Some of theworkable items you would like your customers to do include going to the store to purchase a special product or sale, sign up for an event, donate or make an online purchase. A simple way to update and generate traffic to your website is to regularly add content to your blog, to publish an online version of the e-newsletter that you send or become active on social media platforms. Tell your customers that you care about them and value their commitment to your business or brand.
Do you need someone to help you maintain your website? If so have a look at our Website Maintenance page for more information on how we can PROTECT, SECURE, INCREASE RANKINGS & INCREASE VISITORS to your website